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At Dunkirk Primary School we are passionate about supporting pupils reading whether it is in lessons, during their playtimes or supporting their reading for pleasure. We ensure that pupils have direct access to enjoyable, high quality texts and that they leave Dunkirk with a LOVE of reading. Alongside that, we ensure that reading plays a part in ALL subjects, enabling pupils to engage in reading technical texts with a range of subject specific vocabulary. 

Following our recent reading workshop, take a look at the feedback we received from 112 families:


 Take a look at our reading intent:

 At Dunkirk, we utilise the following methods of teaching our older pupils to read. These approaches are based on extensive research on how children learn to read. The following diagram shows how important it is to consider all the different strands of reading to ensure that our pupils become expert readers. 


In Years 2, 3 and 4, once pupils have finished their Phonics journey, we focus on developing reading fluency so that pupils become increasingly automatic in their reading. Without this fluency, pupils are unable to understand what they are reading. 

By clicking here you will be able to find the weekly structure of our reading sessions in Years 3 and 4 which predominately focus on fluency. You will see that the focus is on developing children's vocabulary by using strategies to read and understand words they have not met before, fluency, prosody and reading for understanding. These are tried and tested methodologies which have been finely tuned to meet the needs of our pupils. 

In Years 5 and 6, once the pupils have developed their fluency and are able to read for understanding, pupils focus on developing explicit comprehension skills. By clicking here you will be able to find the weekly structure of our reading comprehension sessions.

Our Dunkirk Book Spine ensures clear progression throughout the year groups. 

Find out what our parents think about Reading at Dunkirk: