Safer Strangers
It can be really tricky to know where to find help if you are out in the community. Which strangers are safe and which aren't. Luckily, we had our local friendly PCSO Lucy Oram in to discuss who to look for when you want to get help!
What are Safe Strangers?
A safer stranger is a grown-up who is working at a job which helps people. Safe Strangers will usually be wearing a uniform. Safe strangers could be police officers, traffic wardens, shopkeepers, check-out assistants, and others.
What is NOT a safe Stranger?
Stranger Danger is a grown up, that you do not know. It could be a person in a car that is following you and you don’t know who they are. It could be a stranger that talks to you at the park, who you have never met before. It could be a grown-up who says they are a friend of mummy or daddies, but you don’t know who they are. These are all examples of Stranger Danger.
When would you need help from a Safe Stranger?
If you get lost, or feel unsafe, and there is no adult around that you know and trust, look for a safe stranger who you can ask for help. If you can't see a safe stranger outside, look for a safe building you can go into, to ask for help from the people who work there.
Do you know what a Safe Building is?
A safe building could be a bank, post offices, libraries, Doctors Surgery, local shops/supermarkets, leisure centres, and other well-known buildings where you live. This is where you can find a number of Safe Strangers if you ever need help.