Personal Development
As a school, we recognise that our curriculum needs to extend beyond the academic. We have a responsibility to support our children to develop in many aspects of their life. We understand that children are influenced by many factors outside of our control, therefore it is crucial that we ensure that our curriculum provision is designed to offer the best opportunities possible.
This overview document outlines how we deliver each of our areas of focus and should be read alongside our Safeguarding overview document and British Values overview document.
Our intention is that:
- We offer a curriculum that extends beyond the academic, providing for pu
pils’ broader development offering a wide and rich set of experiences in a coherently planned way
- Our curriculum and wider work of school supports pupils to be confident, resilient and independent
- We offer high-quality pastoral support within school for our children and parents
- Pupils will feel prepared for life in modern Britain, understanding how to be responsible, active citizens that contribute positively to society
- We effectively promote equality and diversity in school
- Students are prepared for future success in education
In particular we focus on:
- developing responsible, respectful and active citizens
- promoting equality of opportunity
- promoting an inclusive environment
- developing pupil’s character, giving them qualities they need to flourish in society
- developing pupils’ confidence and resilience so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy
- preparing pupils for the next phase in their education
We deliver this in a variety of ways including:
- an inclusive, diverse and inspiring curriculum
- a range of quality extracurricular activities
- local walks, trips, residentials and outdoor learning opportunities
- a newly developed, engaging careers programme - Start Small, Dream Big