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Dunkirk Primary School

Dunkirk Primary School


This half term we have also looked at instructions.

We had a visit from our old friend 'Moon Rabbit' who told us that he was bored of eating carrot cake. He wanted the children to tell him how to make toast as he could often smell it during Breakfast Club. 

We started off by ordering a set of instructions to make sure that we were making the toast in the correct order. We talked about why it is important to make sure that instructions are in the correct order. 



We enjoyed retelling the instructions over and over again using the pictures to help us.

We worked on our own, in partners and in small groups to tell each other the instructions. 

Here is the map we used to help us! Once we were confident we start to make changes to our map to make it our own!

For own independent write, we wrote out a set of instructions on how to make rice crispy cakes. We really liked thinking about what topping we would put on the top! Hmmm marshmellows, chocolate chips or some fruit ...

Some children even went home and made their own rice crispy cakes. They looked delicious :) 



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