Pupil Premium
Our 24-25 Pupil Premium Plan and Review can be accessed by clicking this link.
Pupil Premium allocation from the government has been used in two ways at Dunkirk Primary School. Firstly funding has been allocated to implement one to one tuition for specific children who qualify and who are working two sub-levels below age-related expectations in maths or English. The tuition has been time bonded to a ten week programme, where a tutor works with a child on specific areas to close the gap and improve understanding.
The other pupil premium allocation has been used to strengthen the use of specific interventions in the classroom, run specifically by teaching assistants. This has included a detailed maths catch-up programme and small group phonics interventions. Both types of intervention were carefully planned, delivered and evaluated to support children and ensure they make accelerated progress.
The impact of Pupil Premium is to ensure that children who qualified for this funding are able to receive the additional support they need to achieve age related expectations or above.
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