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Outdoor learning

At Dunkirk, we believe that it is crucial to provide pupils with a range of experiences. Outdoor learning is an integral part of our whole school approach to learning and our curriculum.



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Today's children are the first generation who will live shorter lives than their parents. Getting out and exploring is a crucial step to changing that. Outdoor learning involves first-hand, real-life memorable experiences and so contributes to the richness of learning across all subjects. Children gain an awful lot from these experiences including: 

  • Enjoyment
  • Developing confidence and character 
  • Knowing how to keep physically and mentally healthy - promoting pupil wellbeing
  • Social and emotional awareness
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Developing and discovering interests and talents
  • Becoming responsible active citizens
  • Developing skills for life
  • Increased motivation and appetite for learning
  • Broadened horizons

At Dunkirk, your child will get chance to go on a range of external visits in the form of:

- Local walks and explorations as part of their classroom learning e.g. sketching Nottingham Castle, visiting a local church

- Trips to external venues which offer an exciting opportunity to bring their learning to life e.g. visiting Yorvik or The Holocaust Centre 

- Annual residential trips in Year 1-6


Here is our outdoor learning intent: 


Take a look at what our pupil's think about Outdoor Learning: