Mrs Alford's Retirement Extravaganza

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We have enjoyed an amazing half term of celebration to say goodbye to Mrs Alford who has been head at this school for 18 years.
Surprising Mrs Alford has been our key mission throughout the last few weeks!
Each class has flash-mobbed her around the school, on the Discovery Garden, in assemblies and on school visits! For example, Hazel Class interrupted her assembly and challenged her to a light sabre battle, Cedar Class broke into a Michael Jackson dance routine whilst she was visiting their class to see some of their work. Madrono Class staged a sudden protest in the middle of her assembly, singing to Bob Marley's 'Get up, Stand up', Olive Class sang a Ghanaian song whilst on the discovery garden and Banyan Class totally surprised her with their own comical rendition of 'We Don't Need No Education' ;
This week has been busy where staff organised a surprise party at Woodborough Hall for Mrs Alford.
Parents, children, ex-pupils and colleagues gathered together for a Garden Party on the school field. The staff surprised her with a Flash Mob, where they all danced to a medley of some of her favourite music.
The highlight of the week was a whole school assembly where every child from both Abbey Campus and Highfields Campus gathered in the NUAST Academy hall.
The newly established Dunkirk Youth Theatre Company and the school choir collaborated to create an original piece of theatre called 'Beyond the Wall'. The story looked at conflict, resolution and community.
Staff and children hand made unique gifts and cards for Mrs.Alford which were presented to her at the celebration assembly.
It has been a very special week during which the school community came together to give Mrs.Alford the best send off possible! We will miss her and wish her a very happy retirement!
Do come and visit us are welcome back anytime!!